Billy Bob Thornton and Demi Moore filmed some of their scenes in Weatherford, Texas in May 2024
A modern-day tale of a man seeking his fortune in the West Texas oil rig world.. See the most popular movies and TV series from writer/director Taylor Sheridan on IMDb, ranked by user ratings..
CBS News Sunday Morning: Episode #4424 (2022)
After watching just the first two episodes of Landman, it’s clear that this is going to be another Taylor Sheridan hit. Billy Bob Thornton is back in this role, excelling in his role as a land leaser and managing oil rigs and the crew they lead.
Other characters include John Hamm, Demi Moore, and Jacob Lofland
His foxy daughter Ainsley, played by Michelle Randolph, steals some of the show in her portrayal. A selfish and spoiled teenager who seems out of place in West Texas roughneck oil country.
Their characters are still developing
If the rest of the 2024 series is any good, I suspect my 9 rating will remain historic. A new season of "Silo" is one of the biggest TV and streaming premieres this month.